Friday, March 28, 2014

Wedding Thoughts

The other day Kat showed me an amazing wedding venue known as the Tagaytay Highlands, and honestly I love it!  It's so nice, I really wanted it as our venue when I saw it!  I mean look at the picture below and you'll see what I mean.  I wish I was rich! Hahahaha, and the way Kat talked about it I think she loves it as much as I do!

Tagaytay Highlands

Though I honestly think we could probably  do it.  As I see it now, we don't have to worry about our funds too much, but adding more like Tagaytay Highlands might be hard.  BUT!!!  I've been doing really well at my job as a first year, already being talked about being number two when the other number two "gets hit by a bus" hahahaha.  That being said, raises happen about once a year, which means August!  My calculations haven't taken into account the two raises that I will most likely be getting before then.

Depending on the raises, we could have a lot more than we are calculating right now!  I'm looking forward to May 20, 2016!!!!  I love you Kat! My beautiful fiancee! <3

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